Sage - A fresh and cleansing scent, known from Native American and shamanistic rituals. Morning Star Japanese Incense offers the finest fragrance for relaxing moments, perfect for creating an atmosphere of calm and contemplation. With its classic sandalwood scent, it supports meditative states and helps bring you closer to the divine. Each package contains 50 incense sticks, which measure 12 cm in length, and a small, practical incense holder is included. This exquisite Japanese incense is ideal for purifying the energies of a room and for filling it with a discreet and relaxing scent that engages all the senses, including sight, hearing, touch and especially the sense of smell. About Morning Star Almost half of all the incense sold in Japan comes from the company Nippon Kodo. Their history goes all the way back to 1575 and they produce some of the finest and most exclusive incense in the world. In the 1960s came the first fragrances in the now incredibly popular Morning Star series. The purest quality In 2004, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency investigated the various incenses on the Danish market, and Morning Star came out with the best values in all measurements.